Sunday, July 10, 2011

Follow as we travel around the World

We invite family and friends to follow our adventures as we achieve our lifelong goal of circumventing the globe. We both love nature and the cultural experiences that each region on our itinerary has to offer. We are pointing our compass to the wilderness and some lesser known cultural societies, most off the beaten path. The map above shows our proposed route. Thanks to Star Alliance Member Airlines, we are able to make this journey a reality. On occasion, we may not be able to update the blog due to our location not having access to the internet. However, we will catch up when possible and upload some colorful, exciting photos.

Journal Entry

8 JUL - Our journey starts at a hotel near the Dulles airport. After winterizing the house, it was essentially unlivable for the night--no water! So, a friend of ours, Nicole, was nice enough to take us to the Westin, where we were spending the night before our early morning flight to Seattle. Only problem, David the former military pilot, guided us to the wrong Westin, not knowing there were two Westins within 5 miles of each other near the airport. Who knew? Good start to a long trip!!
9 JUL - Our flights to Seattle went fairly well. Theodore was nice enough to serenade my seat-mate throughout both flights, even though he was high on xanax. Luckily, all of the passengers in the near vicinity were cat lovers. The cacophony of cranky kids, the sound of jet engines and wind noise helped to mask his mantra. At one moment on the flight, I felt a furry brushing along my leg, and there was Theo out of the crate! Can you imagine finding a cat on the loose on an airliner? But, all is well and the cat is at Jared and Mary’s house in Tacoma, where he is becoming acquainted with his nieces, Allie (Cat) and Stella (Yorkshire Terrier). He is making it very clear that he is the ‘alpha male’ and not to be messed with.

10 JUL – “The Livliest Catch” Today, we went crabbing with Mary and Jared in Puget Sound. All I can say is ‘yummy’!! Photos to follow!